Carl Kessler ( 1876 - 1968 )
Winter in the Klosters Valley, Graubunden, Switzerland
Winter in the Klosters Valley, Graubunden, Switzerland
58 x 79cm.
item sold
Looking along the Klosters valley from the side of the Gostchna above Serneus Bad, the Wisshorn and Canardhorn rear up in the background. Kessler was a specialist watercolourist of mountain scenery and worked throughout the Tyrol and the Engadine. Although his pictures seem deceptively simple and softly executed, the wide expanses of snow are formed of many subtle washes, graded to convey the distribution of light on the blanketed meadows and slopes. Kessler favoured clear, cold days and his skies are often dappled with yellow ochre clouds.