Michael Bennallack Hart

Chalk Valley, Botany Bay, Kent

Chalk Valley, Botany Bay, Kent

oil on canvas
102 x 102 cm. (40 x 40 in.)
framed size 110.5 x 110.5 cm. (43 ½ x 43 ¼ in.)
signed and dated 2023


item sold

Michael Bennallack Hart

Michael Bennallack Hart was born in 1948 in Sussex, and studied at Ravensbourne College of Art in London from 1966-70. He began his career designing and illustrating film posters and record sleeves, and painting landscapes and sports scenes. In the 70s and 80s he worked as an advertising art director and as an illustrator, while continuing to paint and exhibiting at the Spectrum Gallery in New York. Since the 1990s he has had many group and solo shows in London, Paris, San Francisco and Dublin. His love and understanding of landscape began during his childhood in the Weald of Kent and has evolved during his travels in the British Isles, Ireland, Europe and the United States. His paintings are in corporate and private collections in Europe, Australia and North America. He lives and works in Richmond, Surrey.

Michael Bennallack Hart